So, here is the final verdict on your preferences in art:
Style: realism
Genre: portrait
A person who loves realist portraits is a keen observer; he constantly subjects his own feelings and the behavior of other people to intense scrutiny. He never jumps at hasty conclusions meeting people for the first time. He is not the person to judge other people by their footwear, hair style or a car – you cannot lead him astray with trendy stuff. His interest in people is deep and honest, he can learn from any person he meets. Based on his observations and experience he works out own typology of people and pins them with his own labels. He values other people’s advice and experience. Despite his intensive social life he is picky when it comes to getting closer and making friends. And this person is you, by the way.
Must See for you:
Maitres: Gustave Courbet, Edouard Manet (France), Ilya Repin, Valentin Serov, Ivan Kramskoy, Vasily Tropinin (Russia).
Modern artists: Liu Yaming, Ding Yingcheng, Di Lifeng (China), Morteza Katouzian (Iran), Eric Fischl (USA), Drozdov A. (Russia)
Paintings currently available in online-galleries: