Abstract expressionism

So, here is the final verdict on your preferences in art:

Style: abstract expressionism

A person who prefers abstract expressionism is intelligent and well-read. Personal development is always the priority. In any situation he will resort to cold logics, his judgments are based on gigabytes of hammered information. This explains why it is so hard to talk him around once he has made up his mind. He masters new skills and information with great ease, and is very critical towards the sources. He detaches himself from the public opinion and bias and works out his own vision of any single issue. His forecasts come true in 100%, since he can see the tendencies and trace the algorithms of human behavior hidden from an inapt eye. This person does not make a good conversationalist or the life and soul of a party, since his expectations are really hard to meet.

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Must See for you: 

Maitres: Willem de Kooning (Dutch American), Paul Jackson Pollock, Adolph Gottlieb, Clyfford Still (USA), Arshile Gorky (Armenia, USA). 

Modern artists: Audrey Flack, Taro Yamamoto (USA), Richard Sheridan Franklin Bowling (Great Britain), Jack Hamilton Bush, Marcel Barbeau (Canada), Tudor Stegeresku (Moldavia).

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