
So here is the final verdict on your preferences in art:

Style: pin-up

A person who prefers pin-up paintings is quite pragmatic about fine arts. A good painting should look good on the wall, especially in the office. He is a young man, not much pressured and involved in conventional wisdoms and worldly matters, and it helps him overcome daily routine problems in an easy and joyful manner. He is bold and ambitious, challenging and productive. He chooses to be careless but adjusts to the circumstances. He follows the trends but works out his signature style. Among the “big” styles in fine arts he should consider art nouveau, art deco and impressionism.


Must See for you: 

Famous artists: Gil Elvgren, George Petty, Bill Randall, Edward Runci, Earl Moran, Eduard D’Ancona, Charles Dana Gibson, Alberto Vargas (USA), Henry Clive (Australia)

Paintings currently available in online galleries:

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