Interpreting symbols

Your erudition is beyond any compliments, granted that to find and interpret the symbols suggested by the artist you should do more than just see the painting. You need to dig for the historical, religious, philosophical motifs that are crucial to understanding the message, and on the other hand you need to be well aware of how to deal with the artistic techniques and principles to appreciate the artistic subject of the painting. You chose the type of fine arts that is pointless to be analyzed unless you are well-versed in all of the above.

Considering your choice, you are interested in a man, a person, a personality – whatever it means for you. Art is just another way to contemplate on the role of a man in history, the way of a man through different historical periods. A man’s interaction with the world – and other worlds, the past and the future. Unlike those who prefer modernist trends who leave a man out of the equation and give preference to the machines, movement and the perfect absolute, you are infinitely in love with a the a person. Did you know that?)

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