So, here is the final verdict on your preferences in art:
Style: impressionism
Genre: genre painting
A person who prefers impressionist genre paintings is a tremendously active and positive person who ignores hardships and produces the impression of the lucky one. His irrepressible energy and the talent of encouraging others compensates for his lack of patience and neglect for rationalized planning. People fall for his passion and having none of their own, they follow his vision, always ready to do the rough work – and so he never does! This person is a goldmine of ideas, always exciting to talk to. He looks for new impressions and experiences and enjoys his life to the full. He has a very desirable quality of thinking big, never hanging up on problems and issues; he has the faith and the strength and the courage to pursue his ambitions and never mind the “wise” advice of mediocre people living their mediocre lives and dragging everyone into the same routine.
Must See for you:
Maitres: Edouard Manet, Jean Frédéric Bazille,Edgar Degas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Gustave Caillebotte, Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro (France), A. Arkhipov, K. Korovin (Russia), Mary Cassatt, Willard Leroy Metcalf, John Singer Sargent (USA)
Modern artists: Andre Kohn, George Luks, Erika Hopper, Leonid Afremov (USA), Aldo Balding (Great Britain), Vladimir Gusev (Russia)
Paintings currently available in online galleries: