Genre painting in Classicism and Academism

So here is the final verdict on your preferences in art:

Style: classicism, academism

Genre: genre paintings

A person who prefers classicist genre paintings is a man of integrity and good morals. He is self rigorous and critical towards others. He seeks for harmony and peace, but rather than navel-gazing and esoteric practices he opts for rationalizing his daily experiences and aligning his actions and thoughts with the universal human values.

classicism and adacemism_genre scene_eng1

Must See for you: 

Maitres: Adolphe Williams Bouguereau, Poussin Nicolas, Claude Lorrain, François-Emile Barraud (France), Abraham van Strij (the Netherlands).

Modern artists: classicism and academism developed in XVII – XIX; today few artists follow these aesthetic principles to the letter.

Paintings currently available in online galleries:

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