So here is the final verdict on your preferences in art:
Style: classicism, academism
Genre: genre paintings
The same
everyday life scenes depicted by representatives of different style will have nothing in common. The
impressionists captured momentary pleasures, fleeting instants of urban life, no philosophical strings attached. The
realists selected only the typical scenes and structinized them in a most scientific manner.
They exposed rather than admired, they never avoided unappealing things and the seamy side of lige if that necessary to portray the TYPE of everyday scene. Classicists for that matter pursued the goal of capturing and revealing the works of the higher moral imperative, the supremacy of the universal law and reason over individual manifestations of life. That is why the subjects do not really look or feel like everyday scenes; the characters and objects portrayed are allegories of a certain moral paradigm or standard. The peace and harmony, the order and hyaline characters, rigid requirements to the drawing and technique are the main principles of classicist artists.
A person who prefers classicist genre paintings is a man of integrity and good morals. He is self rigorous and critical towards others. He seeks for harmony and peace, but rather than navel-gazing and esoteric practices he opts for rationalizing his daily experiences and aligning his actions and thoughts with the universal human values.
Must See for you:
Maitres: Adolphe Williams Bouguereau, Poussin Nicolas, Claude Lorrain, François-Emile Barraud (France), Abraham van Strij (the Netherlands).
Modern artists: classicism and academism developed in XVII – XIX; today few artists follow these aesthetic principles to the letter.
Paintings currently available in online galleries: